Thursday, December 15, 2011

dean's list

grades just came out today. 

it made me remember that at 1:47am the monday night of finals week i wrote this as my facebook status:
when did i allow my self worth to be dependent on whether or not i make dean's list? trying to remind myself to reassess and just be in love with education. #finalsweekdeliriousness
but really, when did that happen? despite all my belief that personal development in the higher education setting is about so much more than grades, i still find myself completely dependent on that "dean's list" stamp of approval to make me feel like everything i worked for that quarter really mattered. but it shouldn't be like that at all. i think it's good to work towards ambitious academic goals. but i think i have to be careful not to completely devalue the complete educational experience by just making it about "making dean's list" instead of "genuinely learning." and at the same time, i truly believe that you get out of it what you put into it... and if i honestly put everything i have into my academics, it will pay off in the end... even in the form of the coveted "dean's list" ;)