[the other day]: i came across an incredible infographic comparing the millenial generation to the ones before us. not surprisingly, one of the defining features of our generation is how much technology is a part of our lifestyle. this is one of those things you just take as common knowledge, but when i really stop to think about it, technology... more specifically social media... literally somewhat rules my life!
[for example]: at dinner time, my dad was watching the news on tv, they were showing a cute video of how a baby stuck its hand in the president's mouth and my dad had a smile and his face and said "hey, look at that!" my immediate response was "dad, i totally saw that on my tumblr blog like 8 hours ago."
[realization]: as simple and lighthearted as this moment was, i started to think back on all these little instances where i would actually inform my parents of important news-related things because i saw them online on social media sites like tumblr, facebook, or even yahoo news.
[point is]: everyday, i realize more and more just how much social media and the internet in general is so much a part of how i live my life. the concept of constantly having the ability to be connected to the world truly defines how much of an amazing time we are living in.
[role in student affairs]: a huge takeaway from my acuho-i internship this summer was our focus on recognizing social media was an incredibly valuable form of communication to our residents. pretty much everyone has a facebook so with intentional and consistent updating, it really did wonders for making communication more feasible on both ends. as i enter this field, i see that i do have a strong interest in developing the use of social media to enhance the student experience and connection to university administration.